Free Your Voice For Wellbeing is a unique workshop on offer in the first Creative Manaaki Winter Series. Workshop participants will discover the healing power of their voice in the welcoming space that is the Lotus Centre in Paraparaumu. We sat down with tutor Bryony Rogers to find out a little bit more about this form of creative wellbeing.
What can complete newbies to this form of creative wellbeing expect and how will they benefit from participating in this workshop?
It will be a fun, uplifting day with a lovely group of people and the workshop will give you a sense of the healing power of your voice. You will learn tools that can help you to lower your blood pressure and heart rate and to overcome stress and anxiety. You will feel good and you will have a new sense of what is possible with your authentic voice. You won’t regret it!

Tell us about you, your background and how you came to set up Heartsong.
I’m originally from Lancashire in the UK and, as with many people, childhood and school experiences left me with a lack of confidence in my voice. This turned around and I discovered my voice as part of my process of recovering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in the 1990s in London. Using conscious sounding practices and singing, I started to heal on a deep level and this brought much positive transformation to my life. This experience led me to research, study and train in sound, voice and vibration practices which eventually led to me leading and teaching others in these processes with Heartsong.
Where and when did Heartsong begin and what services do you provide?
I have been running singing and voice workshops for twenty years but Heartsong in it’s present form was founded in 2016 in Lancashire, UK. HeartSong – Voice, Meditation and Healing is a Singing, Voice and Healing Experience with a wellbeing focus, for groups and one-to-one clients.
I provide services in five main areas:
1. HeartSong group sessions and workshops exploring Sounding, Chanting, Singing, Meditation and Healing practices. They are often linked with Moon cycles, the energy of Nature, Celtic festivals (my background), and other important spiritual focuses from various traditions.
2. One-to-one Vocal Empowerment Coaching in Singing, Sounding, Chakra and Energy Work, which transforms your relationship to your voice and helps you access your authentic voice and your deepest dreams for your life. In person or online.
3. Intuitive song co-creation channelling, creating and recording an empowering, positive acappella Soul song for you. This is designed and developed to be meaningful and healing for you on your journey as agreed through discussion.
4. Personal poems co-creation. I am an award winning poet and can help you write a personal poem. I also have published books and ebooks exploring nature, spirit and life available.
5. Energy Healing. I am a fully trained Usui Reiki Master Healer with over twenty-five years Healing Experience (originally trained with the NFSH UK).
I offer HeartSong Healings locally in Ōtaki Gorge / Te Horo / Wellington region or anywhere as Distant Healing – which can be very much as powerful as in person sessions.

How do you find zoom as a business tool for running your global sessions from your home in Ōtaki?
I really enjoy working online as well as in person and it is great to connect with people abroad as well as in other parts of Aotearoa NZ. I was employed to offer Sound and Sing for Wellbeing as part of a national programme of wellbeing sessions during lockdown and I really enjoyed that. Zoom works well for my work and allows me to share my important work with more people.
What excites you most about what you do?
It excites me to see participants tapping into and finding a new sense of their authentic voice and energy. I love the way that this can impact positively in their lives in so many ways. I love to share sound and song with a group and feel the magic that can happen as the energy builds. I love music and harmony and it gives me great pleasure to share that.